Training Partner

Home Training Partner

Become a Certified Training Partner

Who can be a Training Partner?

  • A training partner must be an organization registered, conducting business in the domain of Training and Consulting for more than three years and having Permanent Tax Account Number and audited accounts of statements for at least last three years.
  • The institution/ organization should be registered under any act of law.
  • The partner must have clearly defined objectives, well-documented processes and procedures covering the entire range of training and consulting

Liability Clause

  • The training partner would be held responsible if the training centers have insufficient infrastructure as prescribed in the norms.

  • The involvement of the training partner in any fraudulent activities such as fake/ duplicate registration of beneficiaries, overstatement of financials, misleading information, etc., would lead to its blacklisting from working with any government programs in the future
  • The Training Partner/ Centre should strive towards ensuring high quality of training to the beneficiaries. If the quality of training is found to be unsatisfactory, the PMU may levy the following penalty:
  • If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training center is more than 70%: No penalty
  • If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training center is less than 70% and above 55%: 10% of the total training fee
  • If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training center is less than 55% and above 40%: 20% of the total training fee
  • If the total pass percentage of candidates from each training center is less
  • than 40%:The corresponding Training Centre(s) would be delisted from participating under the Scheme and appropriate financial penalty may be levied.

Eligibility Standards

The training partners shall ensure that the Training Centers desirous of providing digital literacy courses under the EAEL conditions are obliged to meet the following desirable requirements/ standards:

  • A training center must be part of a registered organization in India with proven training and facilitation credentials in the domain of training/ consultations.
  • After all the documentation is completed by Training Partner, EAEL will verify the documents and approve or reject the application.

Desirable Physical and Technical Infrastructure Requirements

Physical Infrastructure

  • Minimum carpet area of 200 -500 sq. ft.
  • One class room to seat 5-20 students
  • provides a number of desks

Technical Infrastructure

  • Minimum of 3-5 Operational Computers (Laptop or PC) with genuine/ licensed software
    • Out of 3-5 computers, one shall be a low-end server
    • All computers should have been connected on a local network
  • One High Resolution Web Camera
  • Reliable Internet Connectivity with the minimum speed of 2 mbps
  • One printer and scanner
  • One Mobile Phone and Tablet
  • Biometric devices prescribed by EAEL


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